The Adam project 2022

Run time : 1h46min


Genre : Sci Fi / Action


Cast : Ryan Reynolds, Jennifer Garner, Mark Ruffalo, Zoe Saldana, Catherine Keener



Adam is a funny,smart kid who gets into trouble due to his big mouth.

One night he gets a surprise visit from his older future self.


His future self tried to land in 2018 but ended up in 2022. Being injured he asks his 12 year old version to go with him, because his shuttle won't let him get in,not even to fix it.


The time travelling team is coming for him. Adam jumped back in time to find out what happened to his wife who disappeared after she jumped back in time to 2018.

The logs were changed so there's definitely something fishy.


His father's partner, who discovered time travel - her financing his work-, Sorian,seems to be at the center of all this as she did some shady things after his death.


The Adam Project is the name of the time travel project.


The actors were great, Walker Scobel who played Ryan's young self was great,Ryan is playing himself at this point but this shouldn't suggest his acting isn't top notch,nor that he isn't funny.


The movie is streaming on Netflix.


Rating : Worth a watch !