The astronaut's wife

Year of release : 1999


Run time : 1h50min


Genre : Thriller / Sci Fi / Horror


Cast : Charlize Theron, Johnny Depp



The movie is a sci-fi thriller written and directed by Rand Ravich.


Two astronauts,while working in space,lose contact with earth. Back on earth,one of them seems to be sick and in the end he dies. His wife,after the funeral,as she falls asleep,says to the lead,Jill,'he's hiding inside me'.


After the man dies,Jill's husband,Spencer,accepts a job in New York,doing things contrary to his nature .Spencer said he wants to fly forever and that they'll have to bury him in space. Now he works for a company who builds twin computers which work off each other,sending signals the human ear can't hear.


Jill finds out she's pregnant. With twins. The former scientist at NASA finds her and tells her in those two minutes something of an alien nature happened to the two pilots. Jill starts to believe it,as she soon discovers her husband is connected to the twins in her belly,being able to communicate mentally.


I don't know why this movie didn't do well,I for one,loved it,it's one of my favorite movies,I watched it many times,and still love everything about it. The acting is great from all the actors,the soundtrack is so beautiful,matching the visuals,the visual effects are good,the directing is so beautifully done,and the movie has a good plot.


The movie is streaming on Kanopy,and is for rent or sale on Amazon Prime Video, Apple iTunes, Directv, Microsoft Store, Redbox, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : It's so money !