The Balkan line

Language : Russian


Year of release : 2019


Run time : 2h30minutes


Genre : War / Action / Drama


Cast : Anton Pampushnyy



The movie is a war movie,about a team of soldiers who after fallen into disgrace with the NATO forces, are asked to team up again to take over the Pristina airport in Kosovo, Serbia.They are only 8 people but they manage to hold the front against what seems to be hundreds of muslim forces.


The movie follows the leading characters through their first mission which led them into disgrace,then,the four years after,when they weren’t allowed to enter Russia or death was theirs to get,and the jobs they had - to be able to make a living,and the final battle which allowed them to return to the mother country as victors.


The movie had great fighting scenes matched with epic music.

Their final battle a few people against an army,reminded me of the Romanian armies so small compared to the musl!m invaders,who still,prevailed.


The acting was great,all actors gave 100%.


The movie had good music.The soundtrack is amazing,I actually found it on YouTube,and I like every song by Michael Afanasyev made for this movie.

The actors were good looking,especially my favorite,from this movie(because I like quite a few Russian actors),Anton Pampushnyy.


There are a few versions of the movie on YouTube,but they're not as long as the one I watched. Here's the link for one dubbed in Spanish. I could not find one dubbed in English or with English subtitles.

Rating : It's so money !