The Batman

Year of release : 2022


Run time : 3h


Genre : Action


Cast : Robert Pattison, Colin Farrell, Andy Serkis, John Turturro, Zoe Kravitz, Peter Sarsgaard



Vengeance is watching over the well being of Gotham's citizens. Vengeance is the name Batman took before calling himself as we all know him.


One serial killer starts killing Saw style,all the important people of Gotham,meaning the ones in the mayor's office and in the police force.


Vengeance aka Batman,starts investigating on his own. He has these cool gadgets,like,contact lenses which are actually cameras which film everything he sees.


A sort of Catwoman,but not really,for she never calls herself that, appears,as a thief who steals from her own father,as she feels entitled to, and tries to find her friend who's gone missing. This sort of Catwoman, had a lot of cats,as she liked to rescue them, Selina by her name, works at a club,as her mother used to work there too,in her prime. Her hair is cut short like a man's haircut ( Bruce's hair is longer),and she keeps on wearing all these wigs,and her catsuit wasn't sexy. When I think Catwoman, I think Michelle Pfeiffer look and sexiness,not what came after,which weren't it.


Slowly,but surely,the Riddler starts targeting Bruce Wayne.


The actors were good,the visual effects really good,I didn't recognize Colin Ferrell under the Pinguin make-up,the city looked real,just like in the Christian Bale Batman,not made of plastic,like in its previous incarnations.

Robert Pattison as Batman works,he is haunted,sad,mysterious. Paul Dano was great as the Riddler,but to be honest,I saw him in quite a few movies,and he always delivered.


The movie is 3 hours long but it doesn't drag on,it didn't bore me,it's well put together. Everything merges,and the city shots are beautiful,the city is anchored in reality,just like all the characters and it works.


The movie is available to stream on HBO Max .


Rating : Worth a watch !