The birth of a nation

Language : Russian


Year of release : 2016 / 2017


Genre : Documentary Mini Series, 4 episodes


I honestly watched this because it starred one of my favorite actors,Anton Pampushnyy.


The Birth of a nation appears as being released in 2016,2017,and even 2018,so,it's all based on when one google's it.


This is a docu series of 4 episodes about how Russia became a Christian nation.The actors don’t speak they just reenact what already happened.They were good,not the usual low quality acting you see in docus.


Anton plays Vladimir, the prince or the Rus empire, who turned Russia into a Christian nation.He used to have about a 1000 concubines in his harem,r*p*d his wife who was a virgin,and did other atrocious things like this,until he was blinded by the sun.


Once he found the Christian wife he released his concubines from his bond,and became a Christian.He even managed to be buried next to his Christian wife,as per his will.


The docu series  can be found on YouTube .