The blind side

Year of release : 2009


Run time : 2h9min


Genre : Drama / Sport


Cast : Sandra Bullock, Lily Collins , Tim McGraw, Quinton Aaron



The movie is adapted from the book, 'The blind side : The evolution of a game', by Michael Lewis, published in 2006.


Big Mike is a 17 year old teenager who is living mostly on the street,and once in a while,sleeping on his friend's couch. His friend's mother isn't Ok with it anymore,so he is on the street. His friend's father manages to put him in a Christian school though.


One cold November night, Leigh Anne and her family, see him walking on the street wearing his Summer clothes. They decide to take him in for the night. The next morning,when they wake up, Mike is gone. Leigh Anne finds him on the street and asks him if he wants to stay with them. Mike accepts.


Michael proves to be very good at sports and this gives him an opportunity to go to a good college. The teachers help him study,and the family even get him a tutor.


This is actually a warm and moving movie, I actually liked it,and even cried a few times ( I don't quite like dramas,but there are a few which get to me) . The movie started boring me a bit when they got into the sports part,as I'm not a fan.


The actors were good, Sandra was great, I can see why she got the Oscar for this performance, but to be honest, she was always a good actress to me.


Rating : Worth a watch !