The body

Language : Spanish


Year of release : 2012


Run time : 1h50min


Genre : Thriller / Mystery


Cast : Jose Coronado, Hugo Silva, Belen Rueda, Aura Garrido



The movie opens with the night guard at the Forensic Institute running through the forest,and being hit by a car.


The police start investigating,and find out the body of a powerful woman, Mayka Villaverde is missing from the morgue.

Mayka was a powerful woman with quite a few companies,one of them being Farmatech,where her husband worked.


Her sisters are mourning her death,and we see,as they play the wedding tape,she liked to prank people.


The husband leaves the place only to find out he has a mistress. And that he killed his wife to be with her,with a toxin he was working with at his job,which kills people in ten hours.


The police are hot on his tracks,as they call him to the police station and start interrogating him.


The events take place at the ten years commemoration of the death of the lead detective's wife. We see the past events unfold as we see him talking to his friends and colleagues about his wife. He loved her very much,and still does,still talking about her in the present.

We see how the lead who's wife died,already talks about her in the past tense,saying he loved her,as if he doesn't anymore,and she died a few hours before.

I liked the stark contrast between the lead who cheated on his wife,and the detective who loved his wife dearly,even 10 years after her death.


Weird things start happening,and the widower starts believing his wife who liked to prank him,is not dead and is playing with him,trying to make him pay for trying to kill her and cheating on her.


The movie is one of the best movies I've watched,it has twists and turns which keep the viewer glued to the screen.

The actors are great,and so is the soundtrack.

I also liked how the director filmed the movie,the angles,and such ( there's a scene which opens with the body bag being unzipped from the inside).


The Body is on YouTube, I can't find the version with English subtitles anymore : .


Rating : The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of!