The Boys

Year of release : 2019


Run time : 1h long episodes more or less


Genre : Action / Fiction / Tv Series  / Mini Series


Cast : Karl Urban, Antony Starr, Elisabeth Shue, Jack Quaid, Erin Moriarty, Chace Crawford




Season 1



This is a series about superheroes. These superheroes aren’t your normal superheroes. They pretend to be good,but they are what one would call villains.


The movie starts with Hughie who’s girlfriend is obliterated while he is holding her hands,by A-Train,a very fast superhero like The Flash. The media is told by the company in charge of the superheroes that the woman was in the middle of the street so it was her fault. The Vought corporation offers to pay a lot of hush money to Heughie,while A-Train shows no remorse. He even laughs to his friends about it.


Butcher is a man whose wife was r@ped by Homelander, the Superman of this universe. We slowly discover that Homelander is a bit crazy,more on the American Psycho side, killing civilians who did no harm,hating the fans who cheer him,and with a mother/milk fetish.

Butcher believes Homelander killed his wife as she’s been missing for 8 years. So he started a squad he calls The Boys,to fight the superheroes.


The only good characters in the series on the superhero side are Starlight, the new girl,the new addition to the team,who believes that they do good,and wants to do good. She soon discovers that everything is taped,as if they are on a reality series,which makes their actions seem fake. They are not allowed to go out on their own to fight crime,especially without the suit, she soon discovers as she fights 2 r@pists.


Queen Maeve is the Wonder Woman of the universe,who was teamed up with Homelander,probably by their publicity team,because the fans liked them together. She hates and fears Homelander,for he threatened to kill whoever she might date. He is not kidding,as he dismembered a man he thought to have dated her. She is gay.


The Deep is the Aquaman of the universe and he is a creep who molests women and threatens them with getting them off the team if they don’t do what he wants,sexually.

Starlight finds this out for herself,and when she tries to tell the others he sexually abused her,he is taken out of the 7,and sent to a small town. There,he has a breakdown,and we find out in season 2 he was demeaning women because he was embarrassed of his gills.


A-Train is a V addict,which we discover is a drug for the superheroes,but a compound which gives people powers. And that’s how the so called superheroes are made. By being injected with it when they were babies. The family gets a sum of money and everyone is happy.


Heughie and the boys,mostly Heughie,manages to kill Translucid ,the invisible man of the 7,by inserting a bomb into his behind,the only way these creatures can be killed.




Season 2



Season 2 starts where the last one ended. Butcher is taken to the house where his wife is hiding,with her son,who also has superpowers. He wakes up somewhere else later,not knowing how he got there. Homelander, who learnt Rebecca’s(butcher’s wife) son is his, inserts himself into their lives trying to make the kid do what he wants to,trying to train him to become like him. The kid doesn’t seem into it,and wants to be left alone.


Starlight is fighting crime on her own,helped by the info Heughie gives her.


The newcomer,Stormfront ,seems to be cool,not taking anyone’s shit,but then,when she finally gets to fight the so called villains,she kills all the civilians in her path,not as a mistake. She is also a racist.


Homelander and Stormfront become a couple,and is just what the world needs considering they are both flaming psycho/ socio-paths,a match made in hell.


Stormfront's secret is she was born in 1919,she’s one who doesn’t age nor die,her powers are pretty much like Homelander’s. She is a nazi,she was married to Frederick Vought ,the founder of the company,and was the 1st to get the V compound. She wants a super army to destroy the ones who aren’t like her,white.


The Vought corporation has a so called mental institution where they keep the people who got the V compound and developed superpowers.


The Deep is deep into church stuff now,a church reminiscing of the scientology one,destroying people’s reputation for not doing what they want,by surveilling them,probably placing them with spies,sleeper cells,and bugging their homes with cameras and mikes. He gets A-Train in,and soon discover the man who helped him get his life on track now has problems with the church,and he’s not there for him.


Rating : It's so money !