The chalk line

Language : Spanish


Year of release : 2022


Run time : 1h47min


Genre : Thriller / Mystery



Driving home,one night, a couple finds a little girl walking in the middle of the road. They stop, and after trying to get the traumatized child to safety they manage to take her to the hospital.


There, the doctors tell them she has kidney problems, and she understands their language,although she doesn't speak.


The couple,especially the wife,get attached to her, and visit often.


They decide to foster the girl,as they can't have children ( the wife is injecting herself hoping to get pregnant without the husband's knowledge,as they tried for many years and called it quits)


The doctors told them the little girl feels safe inside a chalk line,so they have to delimit her space with chalk,so she could feel safe to walk inside it.


Soon, they find pieces of glass in their food,as one of their pregnant friends choked on it and was taken to the hospital, and the leading lady herself chokes on pieces of glass in her drink.


The actors were all great, so was the soundtrack.

The movie has an unexpected twist, as the girl disappears and the leading lady goes looking for her, after the police think her crazy.


The movie is streaming on Netflix.


Rating : Worth a watch !