The Coma

Language : Russian


Year of release : 2020


Run time : 1h51min


Genre : Sci- fi / Action


Cast : Anton Pampushnyy



A man wakes up in his apartment,after a weird accident dream. The world seems to be infected with some mold of sorts,things disappearing or appearing from this mold. The buildings seem to be consumed by it,at the same time,being built by it.


As he is walking the streets in awe,as the world is upside down,the sky being full with streets with buildings ,a creature looking like a reaper is about to kill him but he is rescued by three people.


The people who rescue him,one of them sacrificing himself for them to get away,tell him they are all in a coma,and the world is built by their fractured memories.

When they dream in the coma,the dream comes to life,recreating itself in their world.

The one who told them what's going on,because he woke up from the coma once,told them the dreams are dangerous,and they should never enter the scene created by them ( this is important at the end ,because it's not all what it seems to be) .


Nobody remembers their name or who they are,so they take certain names or are given.


He finds out all the people in this realm have certain abilities,like Phantom who is very strong,Fly can heal people,the Astronomer creates maps of roads and places safe from the reapers,and Spirit can sense the reapers and create ghosts of people.


Phantom seems to always be on angry mode,being such a Grinch,but it could be because he seems to be in love with Fly,who is not interested in him but in the newcomer,the Architect. To that adds up the fact he just got wounded by the reapers while trying to save the Architect.


Whoever is wounded by these creatures slowly but surely turn into them.


Nobody seems to be wondering how is it possible for everybody in a coma to be going to the same place where they all meet and live like in reality. They even sleep and eat.


The Architect keeps on dreaming about a car accident he has after escaping a sort of cult. He was with a woman. In their reality,the dream brings the car accident into his room,and even the version of him in the moment of the accident.


The action scenes are great,the actors do a good job,the soundtrack is soothing,matching the dream world they are in,and the amazing visual effects dealing with the reconstruction of the dream world,in which everything makes sense when we dream but when we wake up we are like,what?!


One thing that bothered me was,they say these creatures are people who died while connected to the machines,and are brain dead. If they are brain dead,how can they exist in this realm? Brain dead means unable to think,dream,exist. WTF ?!


Rating : It's so money !