The Count of Monte Cristo

Year of release : 1974


Run time : 1h44min


Genre : Adventure


Cast : Richard Chamberlain, Tony Curtis



The movie is based on the 1844 Alexandre Dumas novel, of the same name.


The movie opens with Edmond Dantes and his friends, among which, Mondego ,coming home,announcing the captain of their ship died.


Edmond goes home with his fiance,and his father warns him about his friend,Mondego,who is in love with Mercedes,his fiance.


Mondego and his friends plot against Edmond,and at the wedding rehearsal, Edmond is taken away.

He is almost released, but then he gives the prosecutor a name,and he imprisons him.


He is imprisoned for 14 years in Chateau D'If. He manages to escape after his friend, a priest, dies, and gets in the sack,in his place.

The man gives him a map to a treasure, and after being rescued by bandits,after he knows he can trust them, he takes them to find the treasure.


He then makes his comeback as Count of Monte Cristo ( which is the place where the treasure was hidden). He surrounds himself with scoundrels, as he is playing the men he marked like on a chess board.


The movie doesn't have a so called happy ending, as in, Dantes gets his revenge,but he doesn't get the woman he still wants, as he destroyed her husband's name,so her own and her kid's also.


The movie was changed from the book (for example, in the movie he fights Mondego,in the book the man k!lls himself; Haydee has a minor role,and it doesn't look like they're together), but I think the conversation with Mercedes,who was the only one who recognized him,stayed the same.


I didn't quite like it,I prefer the 2002 remake with Jim Caviezel and Guy Pearce(which's review you can find on my site,with a link to the free movie ).


I hated the soundtrack.I don't know if that's how the movie was put together,or if it was a problem with the YouTube version,but the sound kept on going louder (at some action scene) or lower (when they were talking!),to the point it was loud then going the lowest possible volume,which was very annoying.


The acting was so and so.


You can watch the full movie here for free :


Rating : Could have been a contender !