The Craft Legacy

Year of release : 2020


Run time : 1h35min


Genre : Horror / Fantasy


Cast : David Duchovny




So,these three friends who's names I don't care for,are looking for their fourth member to complete their coven of witches.They find her so...

Nothing happens for an hour,it’s just like a romance movie or a light drama of sorts. They figured they needed something so the movie would feel like a craft movie so they unpacked the evil white man to fight them in the most awful fight ever.



We don’t know why the man wanted her powers,we don’t know if that’s why he was marrying her mother,just to get her powers. The man had 3 sons but they were useless to the plot as they were just there to be there.

One of them made out with the bully turned woke bi man off screen,as we’re being told by the bi man.


I was actually wondering who is gonna be the villain as there were many women and from all races,and they couldn’t have been the evil ones,for only whites are evil and allowed to be it. And of course it was the only white man in the movie. If I were Duchovny I would have said ‘pass’,I wouldn’t want such a stain on my profile,but maybe he’s proud of playing the white oppressive man.


The soundtrack was awful,I felt it didn’t match the craft,magic, vibe. The movie deserved an eerie,rock sound,but then,there was nothing eerie about it!


They didn’t even get Fairuza’s character’s name right,it’s Nancy not Helen.


Rating : The Horror, The Horror !,or quoting Jeremy Jahns -DOGSH!T !