The cured

Year of release : 2017


Run time : 1h35min


Genre : Horror / Drama


Cast : Elliot Page formerly known as Ellen Page



I don’t know how I feel about this movie.It’s about a group of people,who after being infected with the Maze virus,which turned them into raging zombies,they were cured and reintegrated into society.


The zombies acted in packs,with a leader. They knew what they were doing and as they turn normal again,they remember all they have done.


Abbie takes Senan,her husband’s brother into her home,as he integrates nicely. The cured go to meetings and work jobs given to them by the government/army. Senan,luckily,works as a nurse at the facility were they try to cure all the infected.


The infected see the cured as one of their own,as they still carry the virus,but it’s inactive.


Senan goes back and forth,as he doesn’t know where he fits in with his new status. His old leader of the pack tries to get him to the side of the cured,who not liking the fact people are afraid of them because they killed people,comes up with a plot to free the infected,as they are better not only among them ,but in a zombie world.

The reason Senan doesn’t think he fits in,and keeps going back to the leader of the pack,is the fact he actually killed his brother while in the zombie state. Trying to maintain his strong hold on him,the leader of the pack tells Abbie the truth. Obviously Abbie loses it,who wouldn’t? And asks him to leave her house.


The leader of the pack seemed to have been one who didn’t have any problems with what he did,he had no remorse,there was no black and white with him ,and just wanted a position of power(he was a cleaner now which to him was demeaning - but how can one be a politician after what he did? His father wouldn’t even talk to him because he killed his own mother. He was also the one who turned Senan.)


I understand why all characters do what they do.

I understand the cured,I understand the people who are afraid of them and aren’t for their integration in society,thinking they are criminals,because they are, and afraid they might regress.


I understand the cured who can’t find their place in society again after what they did. There’s this weird scene in which the cured hold hands and breathe like the infected(heavy breathing - also,they used to keep their heads very close to each other,like animals)which kinda makes the viewer believe maybe they’re not fully recovered and miss those days of killing mindlessly.


The leader of the pack,before being a zombie  was a politician. He was used to having power. Now,after being cured,he wanted to get back to politics but that was a no-no,so seeking his lost power,he became the leader of the cured,coming up with a plot to turn the world back into a zombie land.


The doctor healing the infected,is trying to cure the woman she loves. Because the government wants to kill all the infected who can’t be healed due to how many they are and the risk of them escaping and taking the world back to the years it was a zombieland,she allies with the cured.


The acting was good,it was a sort of horror drama.


Rating : Could have been a contender !