The darkest hour

Language : English / Russian


Year of release : 2011


Run time : 1h30min


Genre : Sci Fi / Action / Horror / Mystery


Cast : Emile Hirsch, Max Minghella, Olivia Thirby, Rachael Taylor, Joel Kinnaman, Pyotr Fyodorov



Two friends and work partners,come to Russia to pitch their website for finding the hottest places to visit and party, to wealthy people.

On the plane they experienced some technical difficulties due to an electric problem.

Once on the ground, all flights are canceled due to electrical storms.


Once they get to the meeting they find out their partner stole their idea and it's pitching it to the investors as his own.


Out at a Moscow club,they see two American girls who use their app,and decide to talk to them. Things go well, and they decide to take a picture of all of them together. Just then, the lights go out, and the sky starts looking like the Northern Lights.

The phones die too, and the Northern Lights turn into lanterns falling from the sky.

These lanterns turn to flames which once on the ground disappear and turn into electric waves or wires,consuming people.


The four friends band together, and try to stay alive. They find other survivors and try to find out what is happening, if they can get out of this alive,and out of Moscow.


The actors were all good, the Russian actors spoke English well, some of them, like Pyotr Fyodorov, didn't even have an accent.


The visual effects were good, just that, when it showed the aliens' perspective on things, it just looked like a cartoon.


I didn't like the songs played in the movie,but I did like the soundtrack created for the movie.


The movie is streaming on BritBox, Peacock Premium, Plex, and is for rent or sale on Amazon, Apple, DirecTv, Google, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : Somewhere between Coulda and Worth a watch !