The daughter

Language : Spanish


Year of release : 2021


Run time : 2h3min


Genre : Drama



Irene, a 14 year old girl, is convinced by her tutor from the juvenile center to keep the baby. Her tutor takes her to his family's secluded mountain place ,where she can live in peace until she gives birth. After, he and his wife will give her money and they keep the baby.


The juvenile center is looking for Irene,and the tutor has to file a missing persons report with the police,as nobody has to know where she is.


Irene seems to be a liar,as she doesn't follow the rules and goes out into the village, being filmed by security cameras and keeps on telling the couple who took her in until she gives birth, that people change their minds ( as in,she doesn't want to give them the baby anymore) and that she wants to talk to her boyfriend, Osman, who is released from jail.


When Osman is released from jail, he looks for Irene, and ends up at this couple's house,wanting to take Irene and the baby.


The movie is a very slow burn, nothing ever happens, one hour in,and not much has happened since it started.


Irene to me was very unlikeable, she seemed a brat. I found myself siding with the couple.


The movie didn't captivate me, after almost an hour ,seeing nothing happened,I started losing my patience with it,it's long and boring.


The only things I liked about the movie were the place the couple's house was in, and the house. The place witnesses the changing of the seasons, it goes from Summer to Autumn and Winter,and it's beautiful.


The movie doesn't have much music, I think 90-95 % of it is silent, as most of the time we just hear the wind and the leaves in the wind.


The actors were fine.




I found unrealistic the fact Irene could survive in the cold of winter for days in the car ( without heat) without proper clothes, without food or water,the same thing goes for the baby.


The movie is streaming on HBO Max.


Rating : Could have been a contender !