The dawns here are quiet

Language : Russian


Year of release : 2015


Run time : 45min,4 episodes


Genre : Tv Series / War / Drama / Mini Series


Cast : Pyotr Fyodorov



The series of four episodes are based on the 1969 novel of the same name by Boris Vasilyev, and are a remake of the 1972 movie of the same name based on the book .


In the spring of 1942,Sergeant major Vaskov, who fought in the World War 2 for only one day and got wounded, is complaining about the soldiers stationed in the camp with him, in the quiet village of Karelia. He doesn't like them running around with girls, he wants soldiers whose minds are focused on the enemy not the girls they want to date.

So his superior sends him a unit full of women.


The women all have their sad stories, and as the episodes progress,we see their lives before. They all have families who have encountered the nazis and died at their hands. None of them want to be at war, they all have someone they've left behind, some of them have children to raise.


The one who has a child visits the baby (who lives with her mother), every night, and one day when she comes back in the morning, sees nazis walking around the forest.

She tells sergeant major Vaskov, and he decides to go on a reconnaissance mission with the best five soldiers he has, as he thinks the Germans made the air landing operation in an attempt to get through to the Kirov railway and the White Sea - the Baltic Sea Canal, the country’s main strategic transportation artery.


When they find them,they try to keep quiet, and try to find a way to divert them from their path. This doesn't work though,and one of the girls is stabbed by one of the nazis,and they are spotted,so they become the hunted.


The name of the movie comes from a line Vaskov says, about how the sounds in the woods they're in,looking for the nazis, are carried by the wind as the dawns are quiet in the area.


The first two episodes were funny, but the movie didn't quite grip me because I don't like war movies,they are too dark. I like action movies, I like fighting scenes,but not war fighting scenes .


The movie was good, it was at the Hollywood level when it comes to the craftsmanship, the directing, the camera angles, the colors, the acting, the plot..but, it's not my kind of movie.


Viewer discretion is advised,as the first two episodes contain full frontal nudity.


The actors were all good.


The soundtrack was good.


You can watch the 1st episode here,for free :


You can watch the 2nd episode here,for free :



You can watch the 3d episode here,for free :



You can watch the 4th episode here,for free :


Rating : Coulda woulda shoulda! ,as the movie is good, but I didn't like it!