The deaths of Ian Stone

Year of release : 2007


Run time : 1h28min


Genre : Thriller / Horror


Cast : Mike Vogel



Ian awakes each and every day as a new person. Each and every day at 5:03 the clock starts as he finds himself as somebody else, but always with the same people.


Pretty soon he finds out these malevolent entities drag him from life to life due to something he did to them,all the while feeding off him,his fear.


He soon discovers he also drags someone with him through each and every life, the woman he loves, who changed him, although he does not remember her, nor that he loves her.


This is one of my favorite movies, with one of my favorite actors, Mike Vogel. I like him since I saw him in Texas Chainsaw Massacre in 2003 or 2004.


The acting is good, the visual effects great, I love what they did with the creature features.

I liked the story,it might be a horror but it's a love story at its core,and that's what glues it together .

The movie is fast paced,doesn't drag on.


The movie is for rent or sale on Amazon, Apple, Google, Redbox, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : It's so money !