The double

Year of release : 2011


Run time : 1h38min


Genre : Action / Thriller


Cast : Richard Gere, Topher Grace,Martin Sheen,Odette Annable



A retired CIA operative,Paul Shepherdson,is asked by his commanding officer to get back to work as they try to catch a Russian spy they named Cassius.


As the events unfold we discover pretty soon Paul is Cassius and is trying to cover his tracks. Nobody knows who he is,not even the Russian spies know his face,and he goes after whoever might know anything about him.


He develops an attachment to the FBI agent he works with,as the man has a family,and can’t kill him,as the man is hot on his tracks.


What the FBI agent can’t understand is why this Russian spy changed teams,and after killing only for the soviets he started killing for everyone. Could revenge have something to do with it?


I loved the movie,it was action packed,there was never a dull moment,it has a few plot twists that, to be honest,the last one I did not see coming.


The acting was good,so was the soundtrack.


Rating : It's so money !