The echo

Year of release : 2008


Run time : 1h36min


Genre : Supernatural Horror / Mystery


Cast : Jesse Bradford, Kevin Durand, Amelia Warner



The movie is a remake of the 2004 Filipino movie Sigaw, Scream.


Bobby is being released from prison for manslaughter, and moves into his mother's apartment. The woman died while he was imprisoned, and the neighbors say she was insane, and the last weeks of her life she lived locked in her apartment.


Bobby tries to get his life back, and goes to see his ex girlfriend ( he was in jail because he beat to death the man who tried to r@pe her in the women's bathroom), and manages to get a job as a mechanic.


From the moment he moves into his mother's apartment he hears voices, and loud thumps in the walls. At night he has nightmares about his mother, and ends up sleeping in the living-room. He finds blood on the piano and fingernails inside it,and a lot of food gone bad in the closet, and it looks like she locked herself there,where she stayed until she died of starvation.


Pretty soon it becomes obvious the cop who lives next door beats up his wife and daughter,and they're the ones making the noises. But the neighbors say nobody lives next door.


The actors were good,except for Carlos Leon and Alyssa's best friend.


The visual effects were good.


I don't remember the soundtrack, but since it didn't bother me,it means it was fine.


The Echo is streaming on Plex, The Roku Channel, Tubi Tv, and is for rent or sale on Amazon, Apple, Google, YouTube.


Rating : Worth a watch!