The god committee

Year of release : 2021


Run time : 1h38min


Genre : Drama


Cast : Julia Stiles, Kelsey Grammer


An organ transplant committee has an hour to decide who does the heart of the organ donor goes to,by going through the pacients' files and talking about who's most deserving.


They decide based on if they use drugs, if they are employed, a good person, the family status and so on.

They reach an impasse when they are offered a 25 million dollars donation for the hospital if the heart goes to the no good drug addict son of a rich and powerful man.


Seven years later, the leading character deals with the choice he made, as he is in need of a heart transplant but refuses it, as he is offered one by the same man, due to his research, this time, which could save many lives.


The movie is intriguing, but due to the fact it keeps on going back and forth, into the past and seven years later, it lost me.

Seven years prior they even show us the countdown to how many minutes are left until the surgery !


The actors were all great,but I thought it was lacking.


The movie is streaming on Kanopy and Netflix,and is for rent or buy on the usual platforms.


Rating : Could have been a contender !