The golden compass

Year of release : 2007


Run time : 1h54min


Genre : Fantasy / Adventure


Cast : Nicole Kidman, Daniel Craig, Ian McKellen



The first time I watched this movie,I hated it. I even stated that in my review for His Dark Materials,based on the Philip Pullman series of books this movie is based on,but now,I liked it. I didn't love it,but it didn't bore me,I didn't want to pause the movie and do something else.


The movie is based on the 1995 Northern Lights Philip Pullman book.


The movie takes place in another dimension,a parallel universe,if you will, in which people's souls are outside their bodies,it's called a daemon,and it takes the shape of an animal,reptile,insect or bird. The daemon changes from one of these into the other,until the child comes of age,when it takes a certain form and keeps it.


Lyra Belacqua is an orphan who becomes the interest of Marisa Coulter, a lady who's status is valued in this fantasy world,due to her research. Lyra has an uncle,but he's never around,as he's always on expeditions in search of dust.

Before leaving with Mrs.Coulter,one of her teachers give her a golden compass which can be read only by certain people,and which can tell her what he wants to know.


Mrs. Coulter takes her to her place,but asks Lyra to never enter certain rooms. Lyra grows more and more suspicious of Mrs. Coulter,especially since she finds out she's behind the child kidnappings. After a fight with Mrs.Coulter,in which the latter puts her in her place by having her monkey daemon attack her daemon (when their daemon is hurt,the humans hurt too), Lyra runs away,not trusting her anymore.


She is saved from the child kidnappers by the Gyptians who take her on their ships. On their travels to the North,Lyra befriends a bear after she tells him where to find his armor. The bear considers his duty to help her in her endeavors,no matter the cost,as she gained his trust.


Lyra is on a search for her best friend,Roger,who disappeared the night before she left with Mrs.Coulter.


Soon,we find out the religious group which is presiding over this fantasy land is doing their best to keep these people from discovering things which can give them free will,which again,don't get me started with that one! If they didn't have free will,they wouldn't have been able to kidnap and k!ll kids by separating them from their daemons.


The actors were all good,I particularly liked Nicole Kidman,who is a natural.


The visual effects were good,although sometimes I could tell it was animation.


The movie is available on Amazon Instant Video, Apple iTunes, Google Play, HBO Max, Netflix, Tubi, Vudu.


Rating : Two stars and a half,between Could have been and Worth a watch !



The painting is by  ShadowYingZhi on DevianArt