The handmaid's tale

Year of release : 2017


Run time : 48min, 10 episodes


Genre : Dystopia / Sci Fi


Cast : Elisabeth Moss, Joseph Fiennes



The series are based on the Margaret Atwood graphic novel published in 1985.


The series take place in a dystopian future,not that far away, in which women aren't allowed to work with men or dress in skimpy outfits.

The women are breeders now- dressed in red, turquoise for barren wives of the commanders who take the babies of the breeders. The Martha's work in the kitchen. They are all given a different name but is the same name. The Aunt Lydia are the big, unattractive women who put the other women in place.


Women can't own property. Only husbands or male next of kin can use their money.


The world has changed under a Martial Law lying about a terrorist attack.


They have this ritual they don't call r@pe ,in which the commander r@pes the Offgred - the breeder, until she gets pregnant.


In this society they made it legal to take someone else's baby ,r@pe women, torture them,all in the name of the greater good!

They have public k!llings in which they make the handmaids k!ll people they want dead.




Season 1


Two women are judged for being g@y. I think they removed the cl!t of one of them.


They have this twisted law based on Christianity,but they leave out the parts they don't like or fit their agendas. Some of the laws they have like removing a woman's cl!tor!s ,women not allowed to work or have property,are straight from islam- as they even today abide by these laws.


Offred / June,the leading character,is seen as bad and a sinner because she had an affair with her husband, Luke, before marrying him. He was married to another woman.


What's ironic is that it was a woman who came up with the idea for this new world! It was her who fought for a world in which women would have no voice,no rights! To enslave them.


The 6th episode is kinda out of focus ,the camera is moving and blurring, which is annoying.


Episode 7 is dedicated to the husband,Luke. What happened to him after they tried to cross the border to Canada. He got shot and was found by a group of people who were heading to Canada ,and he crossed over with them.


The women of the elite are just as evil as their men. The one in the house June is posted,is just as bad as him - and probably a bigger monster because she's a woman. She wrote the law!


These "elites" think they save the people they enslaved!

The lady of the house always says to June "after all we've done for you!" What did you do?! Took her rights away,r@pe her every month, beat her up,treat her like an animal..threaten her with harming her child if she doesn't comply.


These women / people see the kids of the "red women" as their own. Always calling them " my baby", "my child" but those babies aren't theirs ,they had no part in the baby making process,except for holding the mother down to be r@ped by her husband. I don't know what kind of woman would allow her husband to have s3x with another woman right in front of them,while they hold the woman down!

Sometimes is not even the kid of the husband,as the men are infertile just like their women!

Yet,they take the baby of the women they enslave,they mistreat,for the greater good,but in all honesty,for their own good.

These people actually think they do these poor women favors,treating them like cattle,like whor3s,and after how they treat them,although they had no choice in the matter,they hunt them down when the women try to flee the country.

When this new twisted government took over these so called elites tortured them,forced them to adopt their new ways,and sent them on their way to the "elites' " houses to give them babies. After they have the baby of one of those despicable men,they are sent to another family,and so on,until they would be unable to withstand a pregnancy! Such kindness!


I've said it before,I'm gonna say it again,everything they do to women in these series comes from

!sl@m not Christianity. Everything. The women being seen as stupid and walking wombs. Not being allowed to read or write,not even the Bible,women having to wear muzzles ( they do it in S@udi Arabia,it's called like in the series "vow of silence"),having their cl!t removed from a very young age so they won't feel s3xual pleasure. Being s3x slaves to men. Not being able to have a voice or go outside without a guardian. Wearing a uniform to show their allegiance and cast -burka,niquab..etc..they are quite a few. The cutting of the hand for reading, stoning for adultery when they are actually r@ped.

I'm sick of writers who pick on Christianity calling themselves brave when they pick on it because it's the safest religion to pick on,and there's no retaliation from Christians.


The actors were good.


You can find the reviews for the following seasons on my Patreon.


The series are a Hulu original,and streams exclusively on their platform.


Rating : Worth a watch !