The haunting of Hill House

Year of release : 2018


Run time : 54min more or less, 10 episodes


Genre : Horror / Tv Series / Mini Series



The Haunting of Hill House is based on a 1959 gothic horror novel written by American author Shirley Jackson.


This is the first season apparently of the anthology series about haunted mansions. The second one was Bly Manor which I already watched and loved.


These series follow the same logic American Horror Story series do, as in,the same actors playing different characters with each and every new season.


This time Hill House is the haunted one.

The series blend the present with the past,we get to see the characters as kids living in this house their parents bought in order to renovate and sell,so they could make enough money to build their dream house.

They all experience encounters with these ghosts,although some of them push the thoughts aside making themselves believe it wasn't real,it was just their imagination.


We get to see the effect living in that house had on kids. They all have effed up lives,some more than others,as the youngest of the family are still haunted by the experience and unable to move on,to the point the boy is a drug addict,unable to escape his addiction,and his twin sister goes back into the haunted mansion their father left to rot,for it killed his wife,to meet her end.


Everyone was affected by the experience they had in this house,the oldest seems the sanest,as he didn't see anything,and wants to find the truth about ghosts,if they really exist or it's just in people's heads. So far he thinks the latter. And he makes his money writing about haunted places.

His older sister,scarred by what happened to her mother became an embalmer and runs a funeral home. The other sister,younger than her,is a psychiatrist,very good at her job, but is unable to attach herself to anyone she meets,having one night stands. Also,she can see things about people if she touches them-what will happen to them or what happened,and for that reason she wears gloves.


I love the season, the actors are great, the visual effects amazing.. I loved how every door of the present led to the past, literally. That visual effect.


I loved the 5th episode, it has this unexpected ending I just loved! I also loved the episode dedicated to the mother,the 9th.


The series are a Netflix production and stream on the platform.


Rating : It's so money !