The Heat

Year of release : 2013


Run time : 1h52min


Genre : Comedy /Action


Cast : Sandra Bullock, Melissa McCarthy, Marlon Wayans, Bill Burr, Michael Rapaport



FBI Special Agent Sarah Ashburn is not liked among her peers as she likes to show off,making the other agents look incompetent.


Her supervisor was promoted to a DC office,and Sarah thinks she's the best for the job. Although the best, her supervisor tells her her colleagues are complaining about her behavior, as they don't like her for she shows off, being arrogant and competitive,basically ,not knowing how to work in a team.


He tells her if she manages to solve a Boston case ,he'll promote her,giving her his job.


Boston Police Department Detective Shannon Mullins is trying to keep the streets of Boston clean of drugs and prostitution. She is not liked by her peers either,as she's mean to everyone and a bully,including her boss,who prematurely aged.


She crosses paths with Agent Sarah Ashburn,first when she takes her parking spot,then when she takes her perp into qustioning. After trying to fight her and fighting with her superior, Detective Shannon Mullins,creates a diversion and steals agent Ashburn's car keys.


Realizing the FBI agent has more information about her case than her,she causes a diversion and steals her file.

Seeing the detective causes trouble, the FBI agent is trying to get her off the case,but her supervisor threatens her with taking her off the case if she can't work with a partner,and she can kiss the promotion goodbye. So, Sarah Ashburn decides to partner with the detective.


They start questioning the suspects together, and start working together as a team. Not just that,they start having character growth,as they befriend,and help each other.


I think a few scenes could have been cut shorter,because it looked like the actors were improvising, by being vulgar and stretching the rude vulgar comments. Also, there's a scene or a few in a bar (after the first hour marker) of these two menaces, which I think the movie could have done without.


The acting was great from everyone involved.


I didn't like the soundtrack,as some songs had nothing to do with the movie,and were vulgar. Whenever I hear these kind of songs in movies,I'm wondering of what people are gonna think 100 years from now,about today's people's level of intelligence,when watching these kind of movies.


Viewer discretion is advised,as the movie has unnecessary vulgar language,something I was not impressed seeing Sandra Bullock do.

Ironically,despite all this,this is one of my favorite movies, as Melissa McCarthy always cracks me up.


Rating : Worth a watch !