The hitcher

Year of release : 1986


Run time : 1h36m


Genre : Action / Thriller / Horror / Mystery


Cast : Rutger Hauer, C.Thomas Howell, Jennifer Jason Leigh



The movie doesn't waste any time and starts with the lead,Jim, picking up the hitcher, John Ryder,as he was falling asleep at the wheel and was afraid he was gonna crash.


The hitcher is weird and silent right off the bat,as the lead is asking him how far does he go,as in,where to leave him on the road,and he refuses to answer.


After a while of the hitcher being all silent and weird, the lead literally drops him off and from then on, he's on a chase for his life, as the hitcher is one step behind him, k!lling everyone,police included. The police think Jim is the k!ller and take him into custody.


Personally I don't like movies which don't give me a reason for the k!ller's madness or k!lling spree. I hate it when they just k!ll because they can. This is what happens in this movie. At the end of it, we still don't know who the hitcher is, and what does he want with Jim,although he attached himself to him like a leach to a host and he can't get rid of him.


The landscapes were amazing. I didn't like the soundtrack, it didn't match.

The actors were good, beautiful and young.


I didn't like it. It bored me, I almost fell asleep.


The movie is streaming on DIRECTV, HBO Max, Hulu.


Rating : The horror, The HORROR !