The house of snails

Language : Spanish


Year of release : 2021


Genre : Thriller / Horror


Cast : Paz Vega



Writer Antonio,who didn't write a book in 10 years and is pressured to publish a new one,finds a house in a beautiful village.


The locals seem to be weary of strangers, and very superstitious. The moment he enters the village he meets two girls who seem very rude. He later discovers their mother is his housekeeper.


The girls keep on asking him if he's the "vimero" the creature terrorizing the village,who's been hibernating due to being k!lled by certain villagers, who were cursed by it,so bad things happened to them, a creature who takes over the body of people.


The one who shows him around the house,Berta, comes daily to visit him,and tells him about the villagers' superstitions.


He also finds an old couple keeping a mutilated hunchback  man in their barn,feeding him.


This atmosphere gives him inspiration,and he writes what really happens laced with fiction. That doesn't stop him from hearing things around the house which has been empty for 30 years,and having nightmares,to the point,he doesn't know what's real and what's not. Which could also be from him drinking too much Mezcal, his drink of choice.


The people of the village are weird,they want to know everything about whoever enters their village. They say they are good but they seem the opposite.


I personally liked the movie,it has a twist at the end. I liked the small village which doesn't even have a police station,and the houses,especially his house. I wish our country houses and villages looked like that!


The actors were good, the plot kept me watching.


The movie is available on HBO Max.


Rating : Worth a watch !