The ice demon

Language : Russian


Year of release : 2021


Run time : 1h33min


Genre : Horror



One cold winter night, two mountain hikers set their tent in the hard ice of the ground. They find a body buried in the snow. One of them freaks out,but the other convinces her to move the body away from their tent and still camp there.

The same night ,one of them wakes up with the dead body next to her,while the other woman was full of frost bites,to the point her body was black.


After this introduction we meet the leading characters, a teenager who is friends with a bully,her step father,and her mother.


The police find the hikers and take the dead body,which upon the first autopsy cut turns out to be alive.

Turns out the not so dead man is the father of the teenage girl who likes bullies.


Her mother who is a doctor ,but who is never at the hospital but home, decides to take her ex husband home to take care of him,as he is in a coma.

Somehow he managed to survive ten years in a coma without oxygen,now they have to change the tanks every certain amount of time,or he'll die.


Bringing him into their home,has serious effects on the mother,as she seems to get more and more obsessed and possessive towards the ex husband. Pretty soon it's obvious it might be possession.


The movie is not bad,but I personally didn't understand what the characters wanted .The bully,who is introduced in a scene in which the teenage girl tries to save the dog he and his friends might be abusing,is telling her he gives her the dog if they play Russian roulette ( if she would have done it,she'd been dead) then keeps on visiting the girl,as apparently there's something between them!?


The mother seems not to be over her ex husband,although it might also be the possession.

We don't know what exactly happens to the girl who survived and is in the hospital.

We don't really know what the ex husband is,although there are hints that a demon entered his body,and it needs a host( mostly due to what a certain character says).


It felt the movie didn't really know where to go,or what to do with itself. For example, I don't remember seeing the image in the movie poster in the movie.


I watched a dubbed version and the voice actors didn't do a good job,in my opinion.


Rating : Could have been a contender !