The innocent

Year of release : 2020 or 2021 ?( is listed as both on Google)


Language : Spanish


Run time : 49min - 1h11min, 8 episodes


Genre : Tv Series / Drama / Thriller


Cast : Mario Casas



These Netflix miniseries are adapted from Harlan Coben's book of the same name.


In the first episode we meet Mat who is involved in a fight by accident,and ends up killing a man by pushing him off him. Four years later he is out of prison,and eight more years later ,and when the action takes place,his wife leaves for a business meeting,and he starts receiving pictures and videos of a naked man next to his sleeping wife.


In the 2nd episode we meet detective Lorena Ortiz,who is investigating the murder of a nun,who turned out to be not so innocent,quite the opposite. The investigation leads to Mat.


In the 3d episode we see the story of Emma, the nun who was actually a prostitute,who left the pimp who had a huge prostitution business pimping underage girls to rich powerful men,only to blackmail them after. Like they say,you can take the wh*re out of the wh*re house but you can't take the wh*re house out of the wh*re,the woman still needs it,so every night she goes out to have s*x with strangers.


In the 4th episode we find out who's the guy who is sending Mat messages.


Episode 5 takes us back to when Olivia and Mat met. We get to hear Olivia's story,and what part she plays in this plot full of twists and turns.


Episode 6 tells the story of Teo, a Special Crime Unit detective who goes undercover into Anibal's business only to sink into the depravity of the place. He has a secret and a serious reason why he wants to get his hands on the tapes which went missing.


Episode 7 tells the story of Kim, Olivia's best friend,whom she left behind,trying to escape Anibal's enslavement.


Episode 8 brings all stories together,and we see Kim holds a grudge because Olivia left her. Also,it's confirmed what I believed from the beginning,who's behind all this intrigue.

Mat says he didn't kill the people who are pinned on him,and he believes the father of the boy he killed in self defense is trying to frame him. He might be right.


The acting was great, the production top notch,the series doesn't have a moment of respiro, as it falls from character to character,each with their own agenda and dark secrets. It is definitely a great series,but.

The series have many twists and turns to the point I felt exhausted from watching. Nothing is what it seems and everyone has a dark secret.

I can recognize the craft and how good the movie is,but it bored me,at one time I almost fell asleep. I don't like movies with such dark motifs,as they make me angry ,like this one. All the villains think they're in the right, they think its their right to treat people the way they do,while the good characters always feel sorry for something,or carry this guilt around which destroys them.


The movie is hard to watch at times as they show the faces of the people beat up or with the faces crashed in the fall,and it has nudity,especially male frontal nudity.


The mini series is streaming on Netflix.


Rating : Worth a watch !