The last warrior : Root of evil

Year of release : 2021


Language : Russian


Run time : 2h2min


Genre : Adventure / Fantasy / Comedy / Action / Family



From the moment the movie started,I kept on saying this feels like a sequel,and it was. The movie is a sequel to the 2017 movie,The Last Warrior. And apparently has a sequel,The Last Warrior 3!


The movie is a story about a man who comes from modern Moscow to Belogorie,the Ancient Rus medieval land of fairy tale, legends and Russian folk heroes.


The hero of the story,Ivan,has a magic sword which's power is to take him from the present to the fairy tale kingdom of Rus. He moves from one place to the other daily,as he can't live without today's accommodations,like the cappuccino, taking a hot bath,the washing machine,music boxes, microwaves..he travels from past to present,bringing more technology into the past. He travels so much,he exhausts the power of the sword!


In this movie he and his friends and legendary heroes,find out the origins of an ancient evil which threatens the magical land.


Our hero is funny,as he wants to marry a girl from the magic land,and come back with her to the present,but she doesn't want to leave her world. A new rival arises,who is trying to win the girl's affections.


The movie was funny, the visual effects top notch,the acting good,the actors good looking. The set design is amazing,they created these beautiful houses with painted walls inside,I wanted to live there! There was this particular place ,where they kept the sword, I wanted to live in that house!

The costumes again,beautiful!


The only thing I thought didn't match the movie's medieval setting was the fact they played today's music,like Eve's Tambourine,and Black Betty!


The movie was released in the USA on December 24th 2020 ,and on the 1st of January 2021,in Russia.


Here's a trailer for those interested :


Rating : Worth a watch !