The Lord of the Rings. The return of the king

Year of release : 2003


Run time : 4h23min


Genre : Fantasy / Adventure / Action


Cast : Elijah Wood, Sean Astin, Viggo Mortensen, Ian McKellen, Orlando Bloom, Liv Tyler, Hugo Weaving, Karl Urban, Christopher Lee, Andy Serkis, Cate Blanchett



The movie is based on J.R.R. Tolkien's trilogy books, intended to be one book ,in a two volume set ,along with the Silmarillion,but due to economic reasons, the book was published over the course of one year,in three volumes carrying the name of each Lord of the Rings movie .


The 3d and last movie opens with Gollum's story, formerly known as Smeagul. He was a hobbit who, out fishing with his friend, as his friend finds the Ring of Power, Smeagul kills him for it. The ring consumes him, changing his appearance,but giving him a very long life.


The ring is also consuming Frodo, the neckline on which he holds it burning his skin.

Gollum is leading him and Samwise to Mordor, while he hopes to lead them into a trap to get his hands on the ring again.

Frodo seems to trust Gollum more than he trusts his friend,although Gollum doesn't seem like a trustworthy creature.


Gandalf, with Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas, go to the tower where the once white wizzard,Saruman, abode,the wizzard who thought it best to join forces with the dark than fight it.


All of Saruman's work was undone by the trees who,seeing how many trees did a wizzard of the light killed to build his army, broke the dam and destroyed his base.


Gandalf tries to reason with Saruman,but it's hopeless.


Gandalf tells Aragorn he must take the throne of Gondor, as the dark army arises and almost defeated them. So Aragorn goes into the mountain where the spirits of the dead abide, to ask them to fight for him,in return offering them release from the curse(something only the king of Gondor can do).


Arwen is pressured by her father to cross over into the realm of the elves,but she will never see Aragorn again,if she does so. Her father tells her she might wait in vain for he might be dead, staying bringing upon her doom too.


Eowyn,who is in love with Aragorn, wants to fight too, and because her king refuses to take her and Merry,they disguise themselves,and fight with honor,impressively.


The movie was great, it has everything, adventure, suspense, love, comedy. All the characters prove their worth,as they all fought for what they believed in,

Gandalf takes charge of the Gondor army as the steward is weak and cowardly,

even the female characters prove themselves worthy( as Eowyn takes on one of the 9 wraiths),and the hobbits who are as big as a child.


The actors were great, they all had scenes in which they had to cry on command. I was really impressed.


The visual effects were amazing.


The soundtrack was great!


I forgot to mention in my other reviews,but I loved the world they created, the elf land, the shire.. everything was so beautiful,so fairy tale like! The costumes again,beautiful, the make-up paired with the acting!..


The movie is streaming on Amazon Prime Video, HBO Max, HBO Max Amazon Channel, and is for rent or sale on Amazon, Apple, Directv, Google, Redbox, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : The stuff dreams are made off!!