The lost Valentine

Year of release : 2011


Run time : 1h40min


Genre : Romance / Drama


Cast : Jennifer Love Hewitt, Betty White



The movie is based on the novel by the same name by James Michael Pratt.


The movie starts on Valentine's Day when this odd woman goes to the train station to wait for her husband. The movie ends on Valentine's Day,spanning a year. A year in which the second love story didn't develop. The nephew and the woman / reporter who finds out what happened to the soldier.


The reporter has a boyfriend who proposes to her,but he's never there, he's always away on some photographic job ,taking even more time to spend there,and comes back for literally,a day.

She doesn't accept his proposal.


A year passes by,from the first scene of the movie to the last ones,time in which the two leads' love story doesn't blossom that much.

I was expecting to see more passion,attraction,but it was flat,at the end they are still at the beginning of their relationship.


The house looks like the one from Ghost Whisperer.

Fiji doesn't look like Fiji,looks like a forest in the country side.

Texas looks like Fiji also,the same trees.

The story is weak,especially of the soldier.


Rating : The Horror..the horror !