The Lover in the Attic : A true Story

Year of release : 2018


Run time : 1h27min


Genre : Drama / Romance / Thriller



This tv movie is actually based on a real story,and it’s about a woman married to a wealthy man, who kept her lover in her attic. The woman was pretty much kept in the house by her husband who was very jealous. To be honest,they did meet at this show where she modelled in the lingerie his textile company was making .


As her husband is always away,working,she gets bored in the house,and starts an affair with a very young,17 year old,repairman. Afraid the neighbors will see them together and get suspicious,she proposes to the repairman to move in with her,in the attic. He accepts as he is in love with her,and while her husband is working they spend all day together,at night,the man hearing everything she does or talks to her husband. Her husband is very volatile and pretty violent.


The man spends years and years in the attic,to the point of when he finally goes out at a club with her, he has a panic attack or maybe agoraphobia.


The leading actors in this movie are attractive,which one cannot say about the real people.I'm gonna insert pictures so you could see the difference.






The soundtrack was surprisingly good,for a tv movie,I mean,I really loved the intro music. The acting was good,but the movie somehow bored me.


Rating : Could have been a contender !