The morning after

Year of release : 1986


Run time : 1h41min


Genre : Psychological Thriller / Mystery


Cast : Jane Fonda, Jeff Bridges, Raul Julia



Alex,who goes by the stage name Viveca, wakes up on Thanksgiving day next to a dead man. Problem is she doesn't remember him, doesn't remember getting to his place,doesn't remember anything. See, Alex is an alcoholic, who blacks out when she drinks. And she drinks a lot, all the time.


She calls her husband, from whom she's been separated for 10 years(but not divorced), and with whom, ever since they've separated,she has a great relationship. She tells him about her problem,and he tells her to call the cops and her lawyer.

Alex doesn't do that, and just leaves the man's place, not knowing where she is, as the streets are deserted. She finally takes a cab who takes her to a bar.

She goes home and packs, wanting to leave town,but being Thanksgiving, there are no flights available. Leaving the airport,after she pretended to have a sick child to get a seat on the plane and failed, she finds the car in the middle of the road where she left it, with men unable to go around it. When she gets in the car, she hits the car in the front, causing the car behind to drive into her, so she runs away when she hears about police,leaving the car door opened with her luggage inside!

She finds a man who works on his car, while hiding from the men chasing her, and he takes her back to the dead man's place. She cleans it up, trying to get rid of the evidence, and finds the cat trapped in the closed closet,after seeing it going in. Which means someone is in the apartment. So she runs away, and runs into the man who drove her there. He takes her home, and they have a Thanksgiving dinner. She drinks a lot, and blacks out.


In the morning,she finds the dead man in the shower, and she runs away, as the police comes to her place.

Turner, the man who helped her before,shows up , and she tells him about what's happening.

She thinks she is being framed, and after thinking for a while,he starts thinking it's true,also.



Alex used to be an actress ,but now she can't get gigs,probably because she's volatile. She drinks a lot, and she has a temper. For some unknown reason, Turner, likes her a lot, so he keeps on putting up with her antics (she throws a beer can at his head,and after, she messes up his kitchen), waiting for her wherever he leaves her.


The movie keeps you in suspense, always wondering who did it, was it her, and she just doesn't remember,her husband, Turner?


The movie has beautiful design and interior designs, but inside, almost everywhere, in Alex's house, her husband's beauty parlor, everything was pink!


I liked Jane's outfits,even when she wasn't wearing her own. I didn't like the brown haircut though.


The acting was good, Jane Fonda was great. She was nominated for an Oscar for this role!

Kathy Bates makes a cameo appearance.


I didn't like the soundtrack,especially the one with the credits,at the beginning. I felt the soundtrack didn't match at all whatever was on the screen!


You can watch the full movie here,for free :


Rating : Worth a watch !