The mother

Year of release : 2023


Run time : 1h55min


Genre : Action / Thriller


Cast : Jennifer Lopez, Joseph Fiennes, Gael Garcia Bernal



The movie starts on a peaceful night in a suburbia,where the FBI Safehouse is. An informant,talks to the FBI about two dangerous men, Hector Alvarez and Adrian Lovell,who are arms dealers,both of whom,she dated. As she gives the FBI the information they need,she keeps on fearing the place isn't secure. Just then,the FBI agents are shot at,and most of them die, the last one standing,wounded,is patched by the woman giving them information.

As she's trying to run from Adrian who found her, we see she's pregnant.

In the hospital,after she gave birth, an FBI agent tells her to give the baby up for adoption,as the baby is not safe with her. She does.


12 years later, she receives news her daughter was found by the two crime lords,who are after her. She leaves her secluded hideout in Alaska,to protect her daughter.

She witnesses these men's team kidnapping her daughter from a park she was playing in,and although she kills most of them,she still loses her daughter to them.


This takes her to Cuba,with the FBI agent who's life she saved,to rescue her daughter and kill these men.

The movie had a good premise,but for some unknown reason,after a while (probably at the marker the daughter is rescued and becomes part of the movie) it bored me. The daughter annoyed me,as she seemed spoiled and bitchy. For example, SPOILER when JLo rescued her,she started screaming for help,letting the bad guy know what was happening! She then complains about the food,that it was animals her mother killed to eat in Alaska!She is 12 years old but can't tell a male reindeer from a female one!She called a stag 'Bambi's mother' !

SPOILER also,the whole movie we're told this woman dated both men at the same time,and she probably doesn't know who the father of her baby is,as it's never confirmed!


The actors were fine. Jennifer Lopez was better than 20 years ago,but not as good as in Hustlers. The whole time I imagined Jennifer Garner playing her part,as I think she would have fit the part better,as she has that look down, the look of sadness and concern,and I think that was the look they were going for,not a tough,angry look. Other than that,Jennifer did a good job,as the role was very physical. It was nice to see her in something other than a romantic comedy.

Joseph Fiennes and Gael Garcia Bernal were wasted in this movie,as they only appeared for a few minutes in total. Gael Garcia Bernal, when he finally appears, has this weird,vulgar conversation with JLo.


The soundtrack was good,the songs were good,I just thought they didn't quite match what the movie was about.


The visual effects,if there were any,were good.


The movie is a Netflix production,and streams on the platform.


Rating : Could have been a contender !