The Night

Language : Farsi / English


Year of release : 2020


Run time : 1h45min


Genre : Horror / Suspense / Mystery



This Persian movie is labeled as horror / thriller,but I didn't find it as such,it has nothing scary in it,nothing appearing is scary looking,everybody looks normal,it just gives you the chills,so I would call it a suspense / mystery.


The movie starts with the leading couple having a night out at their friends' place. They decide to leave,as the husband doesn't want to spend the night at their place,and on their way home,weird things start happening to them. A cat keeps on appearing to the husband,and he keeps on seeing this caped shadow.

As they almost have an accident,they decide to spend the night at a hotel. The place looks pretty deserted,as it seems that they are their only guests.


As they go to sleep,they start hearing noises,a kid keeps on running down the halls looking for his mother,knocking on their door. As the night progresses,things really start to get crazy as the husband thinks he left the baby with his wife in the lobby,but his wife was in bed.


They start thinking everything happening to them is because of the tattoos they got on that very day without knowing what they represent.

It seems all they have to do to escape the endless night is to tell their secret to each other,but the husband is not ready to tell his.


I loved the movie,it has this haunted atmosphere,this amazing soundtrack.


The actors were great,the dialogue is not hard to follow,as I read it in English(my native language is Romanian),they also speak in English from time to time,as the couple is supposed to be in the states. You can tell the actors have a hard time pronouncing the English words but it's Ok ,it's not easy to speak in two such different languages from the get-go.


Rating : It's so money !