The Night House

Year of release : 2020


Run time : 1h48min


Genre : Psychological Thriller/ Horror


Cast : Rebecca Hall



The movie starts after Beth's husband killed himself,and she's dealing with the loss. She is a teacher and has a confrontation with a student's mother.

At home,she goes through her husband's things and finds some odd books and items. She finds a house he was building that she didn't know about..she thinks maybe he was cheating.


At night she has these vivid dreams in which she sees herself through somebody else's eyes,or sees herself in the house and then wakes up. She also sees these women who look a lot like her,jumping into the lake in front of her house. At first it all starts with her being waken up in loud music and all lights on,but then it gets worse. She thinks she is haunted by her husband,although,she does say at the beginning of the movie,she died once,she saw nothing,so she doesn't believe in the afterlife.


First thought was,the husband was a serial killer. But maybe there's more to that.


I wouldn't call this movie a horror,as it was labeled on Google,as it didn't have any horror scenes. It had really good jump scares.


I personally liked the movie,it had this great atmosphere which pulls you in. I loved the music,the sound effects,the visual effects.

The visual effects were amazing,the scenes were shot from certain angles to look as if someone was in the house,and it was amazing,how it shaped a head or a figure. I also loved the squeaking sound the house was making when it looked as if it was growing! It reminded me of Rose Red,the movie based on Stephen King's book.


I loved the acting,Rebecca Hall was great,you can see the emotions on her face,her face when she's astounded or scared is priceless.


Rating : It's so money!