The Ninth

Language : Russian / English


Year of release : 2019


Run time : 1h31min


Genre : Mystery / Thriller



The title,the ninth, comes from the 9th victim of a  sacrifice ritual to bring back the dead,and bring hell on earth.


The movie is amazing,great visual effects worthy of Hollywood movies. It stars British actress Daisy Head as a woman who has the power to see what happened to the dead.


The action takes place in late XIXth century when the occult arts such as spiritualism take a strange hold on society.


Someone stole the book the British medium Olivia Reed found with her husband at the beginning of the movie in an Egyptian temple.

Her husband wanted to use it to bring back their dead daughter,by killing one of the parents ( as the book requests),her .


Now a series of grizzly murders haunt Saint Petersburg,and the detective in charge of the case calls on Olivia to help him.


I loved the way it was filmed, the angles. The locations were beautiful. The costumes,architecture and interior design were amazing.

The visual effects were awesome. It reminded me of the French movie Vidocq,from 2001, as it had the same eerie vibe,a serial killer in a black cloak,the mysterious murders leading to something more than just killings for fun.


I loved it! The Russian actors were all amazing, the only ones who didn’t do a good  job were Daisy and the actor who played her husband,Bex Jonathan.


The soundtrack was great,they kept on changing styles from one scene to the other.


The only things holding the movie back are the interpretations of the two English actors and the fact it ends abruptly,after showing us SPOILER   the dead daughter rising from a bath tub,without showing us if she stayed dead or was resurrected.


You can watch the full movie for free here :


Rating : It's so money !