The One 2001

Run time : 1h27min


Genre : Action / Sci- Fi


Cast : Jet Li , Carla Gugino, Jason Statham, Delroy Lindo



A former police officer who was in charge of keeping the balance in the multiverse,gets drunk with power after he kills a version of himself. He then sets on to kill all of his versions from all the universes,until only him and another one are alive. The power is balanced between the two and they become the strongest people in the multiverse. He is chased by two of his former colleagues in an effort to stop him and put him in jail,because if anyone of them dies it could damage the balance of the multiverse.


The movie has this bittersweet ending as he is given a second chance .


The action/fighting scenes are amazing.


I loved the love story between the lead and his wife who stood beside him and believed in him even when what he was saying to her sounded crazy. I loved how they had matching necklines. I loved his lines about how she was his centre and without her he was just as bad as the evil one.


Rating : It's so money !
