The prince of tides

Year of release : 1991


Run time : 2h12min


Genre : Drama / Romance


Cast : Nick Nolte, Barbra Streisand



A man with a wife and three kids has to go to New York to talk to his sister's psychiatrist because she tried to kill herself again.


In order to get to the bottom of what makes her act this way he has to tell the doc their childhood story.

Their father was violent and because of that their mother fed him dog food.


SPOILER- they were all r@aped when they were 13 by 3 criminals who escaped prison. Their brother Luke,killed 2,catching them in the act,their mother the third.


I hate movies which build up to something and turn into something else at the end. Like they built it up to where they'd end up together ,they have an affair,then he goes back to his wife. The wife who told him she had an affair while he was away and before he left, for a year or so!


I don't like dramas,I don't like movies which leave you the way they were when they started or worse,they end up the way they started! I feel like they're wasting my time,and have nothing to say or offer / teach .


The s3x scene was so bad! And they get together after 150 minutes,speaking of the movie poster !


Barbra is always wearing one color outfits,even the stockings and shoes.


The movie is called the Prince of Tides because the lead's sister writes a book dedicated to him about him,being her memory. While I was watching it, I was actually thinking the movie must be based on a novel because it has the novel vibe(drama),which I don't like.


The movie is labelled a romance on google,but I didn't find it as such.


All the actors were good .


Barbra Streisand directed the movie,and speaking of which,Barbra was the first singer / actress who did both well,before JLo was a success.


The movie is for rent or buy on Amazon Prime Video, AMC on Demand, Apple iTunes, DIRECTV, Google Play Movies, Microsoft Store, Redbox, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : The horror ,The HORROR !