The proposal

Year of release : 2009


Run time : 1h48min


Genre : Romance / Comedy


Cast : Sandra Bullock, Ryan Reynolds, Betty White, Malin Ackerman



Andrew works for a very pushy boss. She has a " I don't give a" you know what attitude about everything else except her job. Everybody in the office is afraid of her, and send each other messages through the office chat line, whenever she is in sight,to look like they are working hard when she's around. She fires a good employee because he didn't get one of their authors to do Oprah.


Right after, she is asked in her boss' office to be told she is let go,due to the fact her visa has expired, and needs to leave the country until she gets a new one, because while out of the USA,she can't work for an American company.


Just then, her assistant, Andrew comes in, just as she instructed him, to get her out of the conversation, so,she sees an opportunity, and grabs it. She lies to her bosses, her and Andrew are getting married.


Andrew goes along because he's afraid of her, but when he hears he can get 5 years in jail and a huge fine, he comes with certain demands he wants met, if he is to help her.


So,they go to Sitka ,Alaska, for Andrew's grandmother's 90's birthday, where they announce their engagement.


They go from, Andrew really hating her, and wanting her dead, to actually falling in love, and Margaret letting her guard down, becoming a nice human being.


I really enjoyed the character growth, Sandra Bullock's character had, warming up to people who were nice to her, appreciating them, their unity as a family, and stop being selfish,putting others first.


The actors were all brilliant, every last one!


This is one of my favorite movies, I laugh with tears every time!


Be warned : The movie contains nudity and Sandra Bullock raps a vulgar song. I would have given it a higher rating, if it wasn't for the vulgar song, and the weird Ramone striptease.


The movie is streaming on DirecTv, Fubo Tv, Hulu, and is for rent or sale on Amazon, Apple, Google, Redbox, YouTube.


Rating : Worth a watch !