The Sandman

Year of release : 2022


Run time : 37-1h4min min, 11 episodes


Genre : Fantasy / Horror / Mini Series



The series are based on the 1989 to 1996 comic book series written by Neil Gaiman.


One night,while getting ready to punish a nightmare,Corinthian, who was k!lling people, Sandman, is being summoned by a devil worshiper.

The man, by the name of Magnus, who wanted to be called even by his son, The Magnus, wanted to imprison Death, and ask it to bring his dead son back.


People around the world were affected with sleep problems,from being unable to dream, to entering a life long coma,to dying.


Morpheus, or Sandman, remained silent,and he was kept imprisoned by this man and his family for a 100 years.


When he finally escaped through the dream of one of his guards, he went back to his dream kingdom,only to find it in ruins, and his helpers gone.


He must find his tools of office, the pouch of dream sand (which is his scepter), the Dream Helm (his crown),and the Dreamstone ruby.


He seeks the help of Johanna Constantine ( which was gender swapped,as John Constantine( who has his own comic book series,Hellblazer) appeared in The Sandman vol 2,issue 3,a descendant of Johanna Constantine who lived between 1760-1859 ) who is an exorcist who left her girlfriend with the pouch of Dreams.




In episode 4,Sandman goes to Hell to ask Lucifer to find him the demon who has his Dream Helm. The demon refuses to give it back,so he has to fight Lucifer for it. Their fight was a let down for me,but I guess,that was the only way to defeat it.



In episode 5,Magnus' son with his mistress is out of the mental institution,as his mother had the amazing idea of giving him the amulet of protection. He gives it to a woman who didn't lie to him. And takes the ruby which he altered,and which he uses to make people bend to his will.


In episode 6,Sandman meets his sister,Death,and goes with her as she's making her rounds,taking the dead. This reminds him of a man they made immortal ,as he didn't want to die,which he meets every 100 years. Their conversations were bland and meaningless,as the man learnt nothing in his 400-500 years of existence,he was shallow,concerned with material things.


To me this was the most boring episode,as so far, I enjoyed it,but this was so boring,I started checking my phone!


Episode 7 reveals Desire and Despair are the ones plotting against Sandman. New characters are introduced,the Vortex,a 21 year old,named Rose,who's supposed to be the Dream's undoing. She has a friend who has real dreams about her dead husband,who is actually a ghost.

The Vortex can enter people's dreams and is visited by the Fates.


The Serial Killers' Club want to invite the Corinthian at their annual convention,but he never showed up,so they decide to copycat his killings to draw him in.



In episode 8 Rose gets closer to finding her brother, as she has Morpheus' help. Rose's friend,Lyta, gets pregnant with her ghost husband,whom she only sees in her dreams!



In episode 9, The Corinthian gets Rose's brother, Jed,and goes to the serial k!ller convention with him.

Rose's friend,Lyta,lost her minds,as she thinks it's Ok to live in her dream with her ghost husband,where he built their dream house. She also doesn't find anything wrong with waking up and seeing she's about 5 months pregnant with the ghost,when the previous night,when she went to sleep,she wasn't even pregnant.



In episode 10,the Corinthian is pulling Rose to his side,while she is breaking the fences between people's dreams. Morpheus is trying to stop them from destroying the world.



Episode 11 to me was useless,I don't see it's point in existing! It starts with the story of a siamese cat,which is animated. She tells us cats used to be giants,eating people. Then people wished them to be small,so,it happened.


Then, we see Calliope,a muse,trapped by a writer with writer's block,who gives her to another one. She used to be Morpheus' wife.


Episode 10 ended with Lucifer wanting to wage war against Morpheus,but in the 11th,it's something else entirely,just like with the Alien Prometheus Covenant franchise .



Every episode is a chapter,and the name is written at the beginning of the episode.


The acting was fine, except for Constantine.

The visual effects were good.


The movie started to lose me starting with episode 6,and due to what it has in it, it just disgusts me more and more. So sad the movie had such a good story line,only to be destroyed by Hollywood's agenda!


What I didn't like - the diversity. 90% of the cast is non white.

Most of the people / couples in the series are gay / trans / drag. It creates the impression most people in the world are like this when it's only 1%. Episodes 7 and 10 have drag shows in them.

White men are bad,they try to rob Rose. Another one is Rose's brother's foster parent,who abuses him daily.


The Librarian,who works under the Dream,Morpheus, is supposedly the real ruler of the dream world,as one of the entities there puts it. The Librarian has a minor dispute with Morpheus,so he has to apologize and admit she's right,he's wrong.


Unity Kinkaid,Rose's grams, who slept for most of her life and had a life with the man with golden eyes in the dream world, spawning a child into the real world,calls Morpheus stupid "you're not very bright,are you?",which makes her annoying. Also,considering she slept most of her life, she should still act like a kid,not like a grown up!


Because the male leads today have to be put in their place by women,and never outshine them.


Lyta has a child in the real world with a ghost she had s3x with in the dream world! Make it make sense!!!


There's also a feminist serial k!llers convention.


In episode 11 the writer who keeps the muse imprisoned, tells the production company he wants 50% female cast and non whites! He's also a feminist writer,who says to some woman at a party there's not enough strong female leads!Really?!


The cast is unattractive. Except for the Corinthian,the young one of the 3 Fates,Lyta(what a ridiculous name), Joely Richardson and Johanna Constantine( who can't act to save her life,as she always looks smug and full of herself-even in the past!),I find everyone unattractive,so I won't say something else.

Lucifer is described as the most beautiful of all creation and is played by a dull,plain person, so I won't say something else.


The series are a Netflix original, and is streaming on the platform.


Rating : Could have been,for where it could have gone,but The Horror,for where it actually went!