The suicide squad 2

Year of release : 2021


Run time : 2h12min


Genre : Action / Comedy


Cast : Margot Robbie, Viola Davis, Idris Elba, Joel Kinnaman, John Cena



The movie is based on DC characters,and follows the same idea of the government agency asking criminals to do their dirty work in order to get 10 years off their sentence.


The government asks two teams of criminals, with chips in their heads, so they won't run away, to go to a made up country, Corto Maltese, to Jotunheim, to exterminate Project Starfish,an alien.


The movie lost me when it introduced a weasel, then a talking-walking shark, and in the end, a huge starfish which was shooting smaller starfish which attached to people's faces,controlling them ( where did I see that before? Oh,yeah,in Aliens)


This movie has some ridiculous characters, like TDK the detachable kit, who's arms detach, to...slap people?! What an awful superpower!

Polka Dots Man sees his unattractive mother in every person he sees - literally - he only sees her.


Viola Davis' character is annoying and unlikable. When you don't like the so called good characters, how are you supposed to like the movie?


The actors were good,Margot Robbie was the best,her character was fun and funny. Harley talks about the US not having any accents while talking with an accent. She says the parts people think about out loud. Like over analyzing and obsessing over things.

Pete Davidson, Nathan Fillion, Jai Courtney and Michael Rooker make an appearance,a big bigger than a cameo,but their names are in the starting credits,as if they appear in the whole 2 hours and12 minutes movie,when they appear only in the first five minutes!


I liked the scene with Bloodsport and his daughter, I laughed with tears.


I enjoyed the first hour of the movie,but then it started to lose me.


What I didn't like - Harley rescued herself because ' girl power', by stealing the keys with her foot and opening the lock to her tied hands with her foot!! And then managed to k!ll all the soldiers without being shot,while fighting them with a spear! She's that strong and bullet proof!

The CGI animals - the shark, the weasel, the starfish and its babies.

Characters without superpowers fall from a building which is being demolished,but they are fine. Bloodsport falls a few stories but he's fine,then falls a few more,with the floor,as it's disintegrating. Again,he's fine (eye roll).

Harley is pretty much swallowed by the debris in the fall of the building,but she's fine!

I hated Harley's dress and tattoos.


The CGI was Ok.


The soundtrack was good,they found the weirdest songs about dying and such!


I'm guessing the movie was for 18 year olds and up, as it had vulgar language and nudity, because that's entertainment today, and was very dark, having a lot of slasher scenes with characters being dismembered, decapitated and such ( blown apart) .


Rating : Coulda Woulda Shoulda !, as I'm torn between two stars and three stars. So,2 and a half it is!