The tomorrow war

Year of release : 2021


Run time : 2h18min


Genre : Sci - Fi / Action


Cast : Chris Pratt, J.K. Simmons



Dan Forester is a man who is not pleased with his life. As he watches the football game on tv on Christmas night,the game is interrupted by a squad who's sergeant is telling people in the year 2051 they are fighting an alien species which is consuming the world.


Dan is soon drafted as he matches the requirements ( he's gonna be dead in 7 years, so he's not gonna meet himself in the future).

He is soon thrown into the future where a battle is fought,and gets to meet his daughter who is a the center of all this.


I personally liked this movie,the lead character was likeable, he was funny,I liked the relationship he had with his daughter and wife. He was a team player and does his best to help humanity win the war against this alien species.


As I watched the movie,I kept on wondering,how is it possible for such a species,which seems unable to master technology to land on earth. Everything is explained at the end of the movie.


The movie reminded me of The Edge of Tomorrow when it comes to the alien species, which, this time,is one female,controlling all males.


The actors were all great,funny,likeable. I didn't feel like watching a movie,but watching people in a life moment.


The movie is action packed and while in the middle of the action seasoned with jokes. I found myself laughing at all the funny things they said ( some of them not so funny,but it was the situation they were in which made it funny),even in the middle of a fight scene.

Thumbs up.


The movie is an Amazon Prime production and streams exclusively on the platform.


Rating : Worth a watch !