The ugly little boy

Year of release : 1977


Run time : 27min


Genre : Sci Fi



This short movie is based on Isaac Asimov's short story "The ugly little boy",published in 1958 under its original title, Lastborn.


In the future, a group of scientists bring from the past,a Neanderthal boy, to study. They choose a nurse for her inability to attach to her patients, and at the same time, for being good at her job.


As the scientists keep on poking at the little boy, the nurse keeps on taking his side, caring for him, becoming very protective.


The visual effects are not so bad for 1977, neither is the music, or the acting. It's a bit funny to watch movies made in that era about the future,and see how people back then thought the future would look like.


Other than that,I didn't find it that amazing, I don't really know what it's about, maybe this woman getting attached to this kid,who is kept in a controlled environment for 200 days, having to be sent back to his timeline, after.


The movie can be found on YouTube,the link here :


Rating : Could have been a contender !