The Umbrella Academy

Year of release : 2019 


Run time : 58min to 47min episodes, 10 episodes


Genre : Sci-Fi / Action / Fantasy / Tv Series / Mini Series


Cast : Tom Hopper,Aidan Gallagher, Elliot Page, Ritu Arya, Robert Sheehan, Colm Feore, Mary J. Blige



Season 1



The tv series is adapted from the six issues comic books series by the same name,released from 2007 through 2008,created by Gerard Way and illustrated by Gabriel Ba.


The Umbrella Academy follows a group of people adopted by an eccentric man due to the fact they were all born on the same day from mothers who weren’t pregnant.

Six of them have superpowers. They reunite when their adoptive father dies.


I loved the way the episodes always started,with the name of the series written on something with the umbrella on it.


The characters have issues mostly because of the way they were brought up by their adoptive father who always worried about the apocalypse and not them.

One of them is always high or drunk because his adoptive father locked him in a grave for 3 hours as a child,to defeat his demons,as he could see ghosts,and he told him he didn’t have to be afraid of them.

He gave Number One a vaccine / cocktail / medicine to save him as he was dying and turned him into a sort of werewolf,very big and hairy.

Because he couldn’t deal with what he’s done to him he sent him to the moon, banishing him there without good reason,as the mission to the moon was a sham.


Later we see the adoptive father in what seems to be heaven. God is in their opinion a little girl. Although heaven in my opinion should be a place full of color and light,in the one who sees ghosts’ vision,is in black and white.

I refuse to believe a father who treated the kids the way he did,giving most of them emotional trauma,scarring them for life,would end up in heaven.


Turns out 7 is the strongest of them and she was tricked into believing she was ordinary because of what she could do with her powers,destroy the world.

Vanya is one of the kids with a lot of baggage from her childhood ,from her father treating her coldly,and her siblings never playing with her,treating her like an outcast. She turns out to be the villain of the story,due to her pain,the pain she kept bottled up.


The kid who plays the grown up stuck in a kid’s body,the time traveller, no 5, and the one who plays the gay drug addict who sees ghosts, are the best in the movie,followed by Ellen Page  aka  Elliot Page who plays Vanya, no 7,who was told she has no powers but she is powerful enough to destroy the world.

The one who played the boss of the time travelling agency was my favorite. I loved her look,I loved how she acted,her style,her whole persona.

Mary J Blige is in the movie and she is surprisingly good.


Rating : It's so money !