The valet

Language : English / Spanish / Korean


Year of release : 2022


Run time : 2h2min


Genre : Comedy


Cast : Samara Weaving, Eugenio Derbez, Amaury Nolasco



Olivia is a beautiful and famous actress who has an affair with a married billionaire. As she is breaking up with him,the man follows her outside the hotel,and the paparazzi sees them,taking their picture.


Although together for a year,the man hasn't told his wife yet, and keeps on making excuses. Although he tells her he's gonna break up with his wife,when he sees the paparazzi,he panics and asks his team to get him out of trouble.

His team sees that there's a guy in the picture with them, and track him down, offering him money to pretend he is the actress' boyfriend.


The man,a valet at a restaurant,who doesn't own a car but a bicycle, accepts for 12.850 dollars,the amount his soon to be ex wife needs for her college fees,as he is trying to win her back.


Olivia starts to genuinely like the man, Antonio,as he is honest, and she doesn't have many friends,in fact,I'd say she doesn't have friends, her mother embezzled from her so she doesn't even speak to her..she spent Thanksgiving with her assistant..


They start spending time together, as she is lonely,and Antonio fears he might not have a shot with his soon to be ex wife, anymore,although she's dating a realtor, while Olivia sees this as a chance to make her billionaire boyfriend jealous.


Antonio has this weird mother who tells him more about her private life that he wants to know.


The movie was funny,I laughed with tears, Eugenio Derbez always makes me laugh, the actors were good,it just felt like a relaxing, feel good movie that I didn't want to end.


The soundtrack was good,but I didn't like the songs of the artists featured on the soundtrack.


The movie is a Hulu production,and streams exclusively on the platform.


Rating : Worth a watch - to - It's so money !



Samara Weaving and Eugenio Derbez,at the movie premiere,reenacting the movie poster.