The wedding plan

Language : Hebrew ( Israeli movie)


Year of release : 2016


Run time : 1h50min


Genre : Drama / Romance


Cast : Noa Koler, Amos Tamam



A woman who considers herself passed her prime, desperately wants to get married,with anyone.


The movie starts with her in the waiting room of a sort of fortune teller. She tells her she wants to have a husband to love and to love her back,because she doesn’t want to be alone anymore.


She decides to get married on the 8th day of Hanukkah,although her fiance leaves her because he doesn’t love her.


She goes on dates where men ask her to marry them,but when they hear she wants to marry them in 12 days,they change their minds. The same thing kinda happens to her,as she finds a singer who wants to marry her but when asked,she questions his decision,thinking / saying he’s just playing with her. She does this to everyone.


The movie was depressing although it was funny at times,but to see this woman who wanted to have someone,afraid to grow old alone,was sad,most of the time I was crying.


At the end she gets an unexpected surprise as she hits the jackpot.


To be honest I don’t know how can someone marry someone they don’t know,as we all have our quirks,and we need some time to know someone,to see if we understand them,if we like their personality,their day to day routine and so on.

It felt to me like she didn’t have enough time to know anyone as she set a deadline,and she was running towards it. And yet ,whoever asked her to marry them,she would shut them down.

It felt like she wanted to marry but at the same time she didn’t,or maybe,not that particular someone.


Rating : Could have been a contender !