The wheel of time

Year of release : 2021


Run time : 53min-1h, 8 episodes


Genre : Fantasy / Action / Adventure / Mini Series / Tv Series


Cast : Rosamund Pike



The series are based on the fantasy novels of American author Robert Jordan,having Brandon Sanderson as co-author for the final 3.

The Wheel of Time are a series of 14 novels,plus a prequel and two more companion books,which started back in 1990 and concluded in 2013 !



Episode 1


The sisters of Aes Sedai are looking for the reincarnation of the man who broke the world,believing he could cage Darkness,and whom they named Dragon. They don't know if it's a man or woman,they only know the person has come of age,and is supposed to be 20 years old.

The Dark is looking for this person too,so they have to find them before they do.


The people of this realm believe in reincarnation and light lanterns to guide the souls of their lost loved ones back to them.


Egwene is training to talk to the wind,and accepting to become Nynaeve's apprentice, she chooses a life of solitude ,breaking Rand's heart(who wanted to marry her and have children).


Moiraine,one of the Aes Sedai sisters,and Lan,reach the pitoresque village,right before the trolloc army comes and wreaks havoc.



Episode 2


The four friends from the village joined Moiraine,and her Warder, who promised to help them and keep them safe from the trolloc army of the Dark who killed almost everyone in the village,looking for one of them.

They encounter the White Cloaks,whom we've seen at the beginning of the episode,hate the Aes Sedai sisters and burn them at the stake.


The trolloc army follows them,while the Dark gives them visions, and they seek refuge in an abandoned ghost city.



Episode 3


The Aes Sedai can heal other people but can't heal themselves,we find out,as Moraine is wounded in the trolloc ambush. She is getting worse and worse as her wound got infected.


Nynaeve is alive,and she managed to track Moiraine and her Warder. She managed to make a concoction and placed it on her wound,after she got the puss out.


Egwene and Perrin are followed by a pack of wolves who seem to be leading them somewhere. They meet the traveling people who offer them shelter in their caravan.

Rand and Mat work for a place to sleep ,and meet a gleeman.


We find out Aes Sedai means "servants of all" and they have a strong bond with their Warder,being able to feel each other's feelings and not only,if one is hurt,the other can feel their pain.



Episode 4


Egwene and Perrin are with the traveling people,who share with them their wisdom and way of life.


A man by the name of Logain calls himself the Dragon Reborn and started a war for his beliefs.


Moiraine joined her sisters and is healed by one of them.


The gleeman joins Rand and Mat,and proves himself quite useful as the Dark One is on their tracks,giving them horrible visions.


The sisters capture Logain and he proves himself to be quite powerful as two of them can barely keep him contained.



Episode 5


The episode starts with the Aes Sedai burying their fallen sister. Her warder is devastated.

Here we find out the Aes Sedai are split in factions-blue, red,green,and I think two more,which I fail to remember. Their mother is golden.


Child Valda of the White Cloaks military believes the Aes Sedai are witches who's power comes from the Dark One who need to be killed. He captures Egwene and Perrin,threatening to kill one of them one way or the other,if Egwene doesn't show her powers.

We find out why the wolves were chasing Egwene and Perrin.



Episode 6


Now we get to meet the Mother of the Aes Sedai,Siuan Sanche,the Amyrlin Seat.

Mat,being the thief that he is,stole a dagger from the ghost city,which is consuming him,possessing him,feeding off his darkness.

We get to see why Moiraine doesn't share her secrets with anyone.


I loved the Mother,I loved the actress, I loved how she acted,she was perfect. I also loved Child Valda,the actor is amazing.



Episode 7


Moiraine, Lan (her warder ) , Perrin ,Rand, Egwene and Nynaeve take the Ways which is a portal or gate,to the Eye of the World,where the Dark One is imprisoned.

Mat stays behind,as he doesn't want to go.

Through the dark corridors and maze ,a black wind whispers their deepest fears.

They defeat it ,and open the gate or portal to Malkier, Lan's kigdom.



Episode 8


Turns out they were correct,the Dragon Reborn set back the world. The episode starts with a scene from 3000 years before ,when the Dragon Reborn decided the faith of the world with one of the Aes Sedai. Back then,they had flying cars or space ships.


As Moiraine leaves for the Dark One's prison with Rand,we find out the Blithe is a rot which spreads from the Dark One's prison consuming everything in its path.


The trolloc armies with their Fades invade Malkier,and the Wisdom, Nynaeve ,and Egwene help the princess,channeling the light.


Perrin swears he can see the man who sold lanterns in their village,all across the city.


I felt that in the fighting scenes,especially the scene in which the wisdom and Egwene channel with the other women who can channel,they kept on dragging it,the same with Rand battling the Dark One. I was honestly thinking,just do it already!


The movie has breathtaking landscapes,and amazing world build when it comes to the sets,the villages they created ( the one in which the leading characters live looks like a fairytale),and the places they filmed at. The interior design is so beautiful,the architecture fabulous.


The movie was filmed mostly in the Czech Republic, in and around Prague,but also in the Bovec region of Slovenia for its mountains, Croatia,mostly Dubrovnik, and Spain.


I loved their costumes,the jewelry,everything is so beautiful ( except for the actors - the cast is unattractive).


The visual effects are good too,so are the fighting scenes. There is only one nude scene,in the first episode,having to do with a bath scene.


All the actors were great,the story was good,but unlike what some critics said,I didn't find it better or more entertaining than The Witcher.


The movie did not grip me,so I won't be watching the next season.


An Amazon Prime Video original, the series stream exclusively on Amazon Prime Video.


Rating : Worth a watch !