The Witches

Year of release : 2020


Run time : 1h46min


Genre : Fantasy / Comedy / Horror


Cast : Anne Hathaway, Octavia Spencer, Kristin Chenoweth



The movie is based on the book by the same name,by Roald Dahl and unlike the 1990's Angelica Houston movie,this one follows the book,by not giving the movie a happy ending.


The leading character’s parents die in a car crash so he is taken by his grandmother. His grandmother starts having this weird cough and she thinks it's the work of a witch. She starts telling him a story about her best friend who was turned into a chicken,who even laid eggs,green ones,for some unknown reason,by a witch through the candy she ate.

She tells him along with the audience that witches hate kids and want them dead,that kids smell like feces to them,for some unknown reason,the worst the cleaner the kid is.


They leave town and move into the hotel one of her friends,who we never see,works. As they arrive there,so does the covenant of witches who have their annual meeting.


As he plays in the ballroom,the kid hears the plan of the witches,who thinking themselves alone,take off their human appearance.

Unluckily for him he is discovered because for some unknown fricking reason,he kept on talking to his effing mouse! And he is turned into a mouse.




This movie doesn‘t have what I call a happy ending,for although the witches are quickly done with,being turned into mice,the kids they turned remain animals,which gave me a feeling of things unsolved.


Also,the lead starts a witch hunting business,traveling around the world,killing them. I don’t know how safe that is,considering they know who they are and where they are,as they advertise it,on their trailer.


The actors were good,Anne Hathaway was great.


Rating : Could have been a contender !