The witch's brook

Language : Russian


Year of release : 2014


Run time : 1h28min


Gender : Drama / Adventure


Cast : Pyotr Fyodorov, Elizaveta Boyarskaya



A group of mercenaries hunt a few escaped convicts. They catch and kill most of them,cutting off their ears as proof of killing,and hunt for the one that got away.


The movie takes place in 1907,and is the story of an escaped convict,who's past remains unknown to us,we don't know who he is,what he did ( which made the movie boring ) ,who,running away from the mercenaries who hunt him ends up in an old man's house,who is on his death bed. He asks him to tell something to his son.


The son comes,ties the escaped convict,and then asks him to help him dig the gold,the father asked the con to tell him about.


The son is also with a beautiful woman who doesn't speak after she saw her mother r@ped and k!lled,whom the son calls stup!d or ret@rded. Her actions don't make her stup!d nor ret@rded.


This movie is a cat and mouse game,as the mercenaries are always one step behind them,k!lling each other one by one,with every encounter.


The acting was flawless,the leads are attractive,but the movie bored me. I didn't find the soundtrack that amazing,but it wasn't bad either.


The movie is streaming on Amazon Prime Video and Roku.


Rating : Could have been a contender !